My new show begins its run at UCB this month! Come see ALL IN FAVOR, (description below.) I wrote this for the actors of my old UCB team One Idiot and it’s a lot of fun to be working with them again. It’s a sketch show and a farce and an all-around good time.
Municipal operations! Sweetheart deals! And of course, Dairy Queen!
Sick of Washington politics? Head on down to Main Street, USA why don’tcha? The town council will vote on activities for the Annual Winter Fair and debate whether books are important!
A one-act farce about the minutiae of small town politics, (brought to you by the Monsanto Corporation.)
Directed by Leslie Meisel. Written by Carrie McCrossen. Starring Caroline Cotter, David Ebert, Claire Epstein, Drew Freed, Carrie McCrossen, Maggie Ross and Davram Stiefler.